Just like you visit your doctor annually, your Austin home needs to get a check-up as well. A home efficiency and performance specialist can perform an "energy audit" to evaluate the general health of your home as well as address a specific problem, such as a room being too hot or too cold, mold growth, poor air circulation, and much more.

Austin's ECAD Specialist will look at the components that make up your entire home to determine how they work together. Taking into account all systems (including HVAC, appliances, climate, occupants, and more), we will then provide a variety of solutions and recommendations for how to address these issues. Discovering how to make your home more energy efficient will create a more comfortable, healthy, and cost-effective place for you and your family to live.


We Offer Several Options to test your Home?

Energy audits from Austin's ECAD Specialist can combine various visual inspections, a duct leakage test, a blower door test, and thermal image analysis using an infrared camera as well as other testing that can be specific to your issues. These tests are like getting your blood pressure or blood test done at the doctor we use the data we get to make recommendations on what steps you should take next.

Home Walk Thru with An Expert

We will meet and discuss your problems. walk through the major systems of the home and go over recommendations based on our experience and your budget. This is like calling a doctor and discussing your issues over the phone. Without testing, we are relying on our eyes and intuition on what the problems are and the best way to fix them. If in this situation we see far more serious issues, like a doctor over the phone we may suggest having us do further testing to be sure what we recommend is correct.

This typically costs $125 and will include follow-up emails and free phone consultations while you work through your issues. We recommend this for homeowners looking for energy efficiency savings or new homeowners looking to quickly improve their homes.

Basic Home Assessment

This is the next step and is like your yearly check-up. We do basic tests to determine the health of your home. Whether or major/minor upgrades are needed or to put your mind at ease that you have done enough to keep your home functioning as it should for the for seeable future. We typically use a blower door and infrared camera to do this audit, Think of them as the blood pressure and blood test results, this gives us a baseline for your home's health and can tell us a lot on which directions we need to proceed with any upgrades for your home.

Most homes are $250 for this test and include a written report with a list of recommendations.


Full Home Assessment with Forensic and Diagnostic Testing

This is when we pull every tool off the truck and do a deep dive into your home's issues and problems. We are doing an EKG, CAT scan, and whatever high-tech test a doctor does on your home to find out why it is doing what it is doing. After gathering this data and comparing it to our visual inspections we get a deep understanding of how your home works and why it is doing what it does. The other two options on "energy audits" are using our experience and general understanding of building science to come up with a plan. This diagnostic testing gives us the scientific proof we need to make all the recommendations we make for your home.

This testing starts at $399 and can go up depending on the size and complexity of your home, so call for details. We recommend this testing for homeowners with very specific or peculiar issues that no other contractor has been able to figure out.


Austin's ECAD Specialist: Your Home Performance Specialist

Most “free” energy audits come along with an aggressive sales pitch and general suggestions not based on actual data. At Austin's ECAD Specialist, we are dedicated to providing objective, scientific energy audits that spare you any kind of pitch for the affordable price of $200 to $400 for most homes.

We use our knowledge and the results of our tests to gather real information about your home. All of our recommendations are then based on the outcome of our inspection and scientific testing. We will provide a clear and prioritized plan on any home performance upgrades your home may need. It’s our top priority to ensure your home is energy-efficient and comfortable.

As a home performance specialist, we can further assist homeowners with implementing these recommended upgrades. In the past, we handed off the recommendations and said good luck, call if there are any questions. After countless calls from homeowners who forgot steps or were told by another contractor to do it "this way". We realized our biggest value was in helping these homeowners in need make the tough decisions. We help recommend, plan and implement the necessary upgrades to ensure the issues you are dealing with are solved the first time and help make your home the happy, comfortable, and long-lasting home you paid for.


Contact Austin's ECAD Specialist to schedule your energy efficiency assessment with infrared imaging and start saving today!

Make Your Home Comfortable with Proven Results!


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  • Stephen Standley was like an energy efficiency doctor for our house!

    Luise T., Austin, Texas
  • Professional, thorough and a great price too! I highly recommend ECAD Specialist in Austin, TX as the best energy auditor.

    Cameo R., Austin, Texas
  • As a construction professional for over 30 years, I highly recommend Stephen from ECAD Specialist to my clients.

    Barbara K., Austin, Texas
  • Stephen is probably the smartest ECAD auditor in Austin. He and his team are extremely thorough and efficient at analyzing your building. Whenever I need an outside auditor for my projects, I use Stephen.

    Shawn A. Mansur, Austin, Texas